
Why persistence is the passport to personal change..

Why persistence is the passport to personal change..

Anyone who has enjoyed travelling overseas will know that, in order to board a flight, a passport is required. It is simply a legal requirement of travelling – no passport, no flight, but the holiday brochure sure looked nice. Without a passport,...

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How blasting frustration can change your world

How blasting frustration can change your world

I was looking for some pithy quotes about frustration on the Internet and I found one that nails the point: “expectation feeds frustration.” If you expect a lot and are not getting where you want, how you want or as quickly as you want, you can...

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Thinking about change in a different way

Thinking about change in a different way

Many people come to PSTEC with various pre and misconceptions about the process; “this can’t work”, “no change really lasts”. They may have tried to change in the past, and had limited or even no results. They then formed various beliefs about...

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